privacy policy - other
We protect personal information in our non-life insurance investigation business
Protecting personal information in the credit service business
Protecting personal information in the temporary staffing business
We protect personal information in our planning and development business
We protect personal information of our employees.
In a society with highly advanced information technology, networks connecting companies and industries are being developed, making it easier to search for personal information, which was virtually impossible in the past. Based on our management philosophy, we take all possible measures to ensure the safety and reliability of information systems in the advanced information society, and in light of the importance of protecting personal information, we strive to ensure that personal information is handled appropriately in our business development and that the rights of individuals are not infringed.
In addition, we must educate the industry regarding the protection of personal information and live up to the trust society has placed in us. In creating a compliance program for the protection of personal information, we declare our policy for the protection of personal information as follows
When collecting, using, and providing personal information in the course of our business development, we will do so appropriately in light of our internal regulations.
We will take appropriate measures to prevent and correct the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information, including unauthorized access to personal information, invasion by hackers, viruses, and other external agents, as well as leakage from within the company, in accordance with internal regulations. In addition, we will provide the necessary education and training to our directors and employees, and develop them into individuals who are highly aware of the need to protect personal information and who can live up to the trust of society and our customers.
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information ("Act on the Protection of Personal Information," "Computer Virus Protection Standards," "Computer Unauthorized Computer Access Protection Standards ) and other requirements ("{Contracts for the Protection of Personal Information with Customers}") regarding personal information.
We will establish a compliance program (in accordance with JIS Q 15001:1999) for the protection of personal information, and will conduct regular audits and reviews (internal audits, reviews by management, etc.) to continuously improve the compliance program.
When outsourcing the processing of personal information, we will manage it appropriately in accordance with internal regulations.
May 1, 2024
Tokyo Data Cali, Inc.
Representative Director and President Fumiaki Ogiwara
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[Information Security Policy]
Based on our management philosophy, we take every possible measure to ensure the safety and reliability of information systems in this highly information-oriented society, and in light of the importance of protecting information assets, we strive to properly manage such information assets in the course of our business operations. We must also raise awareness of the protection of information assets throughout the industry and live up to the trust placed in us by society.
In creating our information security management system, we declare our information security policy below.
We will investigate and evaluate our information assets and establish management methods for our activities, products and services.
We will appropriately protect the activities, products and services of our personnel dispatch business, non-life insurance investigation business and credit service business from all threats, including external intrusions such as hackers and viruses, and internal leaks, as well as negligence, accidents, disasters and crimes.
We will comply with laws, regulations, rules, ordinances, and industry association guidelines. Furthermore, we will not only comply with laws, regulations, ordinances, agreements, and other agreements related to information security, but will also establish our own management standards to further improve information security.
We comply with information security agreements requested by our customers.
We will determine risk assessment methods in accordance with our company regulations, and establish, implement, maintain, and improve risk management.
We provide necessary education and training to our personnel, share information security experiences, and develop them into personnel who are highly conscious of information security and can take exemplary actions. In addition, we set ISMS goals every year and develop them into individual goals.
Our information security system will focus on the following three areas and promote the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of these areas:
We will promote information security education and strive to develop personnel.
We use the latest technology to protect your information assets from electronic crime.
Our system will prevent information assets from leaking due to internal negligence or crime.
May 1, 2024
Tokyo Data Career Co., Ltd.
President and CEO: Fumiaki Ogihara
[TDC Basic Policy on Human Rights ]
We aim to deepen the understanding of all employees about human rights and to realize a society in which the human rights of all people are respected through our business activities. In order to fulfill our "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)," we have established this basic policy and will share it throughout the company.
(1) Basic Policy on Human Rights
For all people affected by our business activities, we will comply with domestic laws regarding human rights and labor, as well as human rights norms set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization's (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and we will support and practice the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
(2) Respect for human rights throughout our business activities
We respect the diverse values, individuality and privacy of individuals, and do not discriminate on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnicity, sex, age, place of origin, religion, educational background, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.
We treat everyone fairly and equitably and provide safe and secure services.
We will comply with laws and international standards regarding corporate ethics and working conditions in our business activities through fair trading, and strive for continuous improvement.
We listen to the voices of our coworkers, respect the human rights of all employees, and build a workplace that is safe and comfortable without harassment. At the same time, we provide education to all employees to deepen their correct knowledge and understanding of human rights, and foster a corporate culture that is free of discrimination and prejudice.
(3) Implementation of human rights due diligence
We aim to realize a society in which human rights are respected through human rights due diligence regarding the impact of our business activities on human rights.